Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hamburgers with 4 pickles and French fries without salt!!

After I got back my exam, I was so upset that my grade was so low. However, Professor Kurpis allowed us to do an extra credit to add 7 points to our exam and he would curve it afterward. Our extra credit assignment was to go to McDonald’s and order a hamburger with 4 pickles and a small French fries without salt. We had to observe the whole management process and described how the process worked. After we ordered the food, we had to bring back a receipt as a proof to show that we actually ordered the exact same food Professor Kurpis told us to order.

On October 28 during my class break, I went to the McDonald in Park Avenue to order the food that Professors Kurpis told us to order for extra credit. Probably due to the location of the McDonald’s, I waited for almost 5 minutes in order to order. The person who took my order was Spanish and he asked me friendly what I wanted for my order. Therefore I told him I wanted a small French fries without salt and a hamburger with 4 pickles. After he heard my order, he asked me once again to confirm if I want 4 pickles in my hamburger and I answered him yes and I told him to make sure that the hamburger had only 4 pickles and no more than 4. He said that he will entered it into the computer order system and the co-worker in the kitchen who packed the hamburger would knew exactly how many pickles I wanted for my hamburger.

After we settled for the hamburger order, he told me that salt was already added to the French fries and he asked me whether it was fine to have French fries with salt. I told him that I wouldn't take any French fries with salt and I definitely wanted the French fries. Therefore he asked his co-worker inside the kitchen whether they could made a French fries for me without salt. The co-worker inside the kitchen told him that if I wanted to have a French fries without salt, I had to wait at least 4 minutes for the new rack of fresh French fries and they would packed a small size of French fries before they added the salt in it. The cashier asked me whether I want to wait additional few minutes for the fries without salt and I told him I was willing to wait for my order. Then he first graped the hamburger I want and made sure there was only 4 pickles and hanged it to me. Then, he told me to wait for a moment for the fries. After few minutes past, cashier asked his co-worker in the kitchen whether the French fries without salt was ready for me, and the co-worker in the kitchen said yes and quickly packed the new fresh French fries and hanged it to the cashier. Before the cashier handed the French fries to me, he looked at the French Fries again and made sure that no salt was added in it. After he made sure, he handed the French fries to me with the same friendly expression he had on the face when he first greeted me. I thought that the cashier was really did his best job in serving the customers; even though I make so many request for only $2 order, he still didn't give me any attitudes and even tried to satisfy all my requests. I was so pleased by his attitude toward his job and his customers, and I believed that there must be somethings motivated him to do this job well.

If I was brought in as a consultant to McDonald’s to help them improve their efficiency, I would said that they should not add the salt to the French fries. They should just hanged the small pack of salts to customers when they ordered the fries. With the small pack of salts came with the purchase of French fires, people can added it on their own based on their preference of salty. So when next time people want to order fries without salt, customers don't need to wait another new rack of fresh fries and they can get the order right away. But definitely I am satisfy with the whole ordering process with this cashier except the fact that I had to wait an additional few minutes for the fries.

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