Thursday, November 27, 2008

Influence + Steadiness= my leadership style?

Last week, we did a personal profile regarding to our leadership style in management class. During the class, we are giving 50 sets of word. From each set of words, there is 4 words and we have to pick 1 out of the 4 words that we think is best describe us and 1 that is the least describe us. EAch word in each set of words are correspond to the letter either Z, Q, X, W, and Y. After we finish all 50's word, we are ask to calculate how many of Z, Q, X, and W for the most and how many Z, Q, X, and W for the least. For Y, we do not compute. Afterward, we compare the difference between Z, Q, X, and W from the most to least; I end up having the difference as -6 for Z, 11 for Q, 8 for X and -11 for W. As we have our number for Z, Q, X and W, we are ask to plot those points in the graph of D.I.S.C. D.I.S.C stand for Dominance, Influence, Conscientiousness and Steadiness. For -6 Z, I will plot the point into the D column -6 on the graph, and Q for the I and so forth. After I finish ploting, I end up having the highest point in the Influence colume and the second high in Steadiness colume. And professor calls it as I high S.

Then after the whole class finish plotting, we are ask to put our final answer on the board whether you are I high D, D high I, S high C or so forth. And professor Kurpis explains to us what is actually mean for being either of those. For those person who are high in Dominance, they are emphasis of shaping the enviroment by overcoming others to accomplish what they want. They like to accept challenges, take authoriy and managing trouble. They like to have wide scope of operations and they like to have many freedom from work. For those people who are high in Influence, they like to change the enviroment by influence of persuade others. They like to participate in group, being friendly to others and create a motivational enviroment for people to work. And for people who are high in Conscientiousness, they are more emphasis on quality and accuracy of the work. And for people who are high in Steadiness, they are more emphasis on working with others to carry out the task.

After hearing different characteristics of the D, I, C, and S, I felt that the test really reflecting my true personality. I am those people who don't like to overcome others to get my things accomplish, rather I like to persuade them. I think that it is more effective to ask people to do things in your way if you will be able to explain to them the rationals or logics behind it. I like to have supports from others in order to enforce my plan and this display my steadiness characterisitics.

Professor Kurpis said being D high I or I high D is the best leadership type. Unfortunately, I am not of those people. But I see that many people in our class actually display either D high I or I high D, I guess that our class is just full of potential good leaders. In the future, if I have a chance to become a leader, I must definitely look back to this chart for suggestions and action plan of how to lead under the I high S colume; therefore I can lead my followers more effectively and efficiently.

Friday, November 7, 2008

VISION?? What is your one?

On last monday, we saw the video “The Power of Vision”. The video keeps stress the importance of have some kind of vision for your future. Vision serves as a motivation for your goal. However, without action, vision is just a dream. On the other hand, action without vision merely wastes time. Therefore, we need to combine both things together in order to success. After I watched the video, I asked myself what kind of vision I have in my future and how many of them I actually put efforts into it to make it happens.

The first vision I have for my future is that I can be fit for life. This vision seems so ridiclus. But to me, being fit is very important; not just for appearance, but also for health. Being fit can avoid a lot of health problems relate to obese. Right now, I am still consider myself fat but I already try my best in losing weight in this year. I have already lose more than 10pounds and I hope that I can lose 10 more pounds. I have put a lot of effort in losing this 10pounds, therefore, I hope that I can maintain my current weight for the life since I have put so many efforts in losing those pounds. In order to be fit for life, I am willing to get rid of all my favorite junk foods and become a vegetarian. I am willing to write diary to keep track of what kinds of food I eat each day and so I can count how many calories I have consumed. Also, I am willing to give up at least 3 - 4 hours a week for gym. In order to become fit for life, I don't care what it cost me.

The second vision I have for the future is that I can become a well know musician. Become a musician is always my dream. When I was 2 years old, my mom said she already realize that I have some music's talent. She said that I already know how to sing a song when I was 2 years old. My mom said right before I know how to speak clearly, I already know how to sing a song. Also, she said that nothing can clam me down when I cry, but I will become quiet when she plays me some music. So once I turn 4 years old, my mom bring me to learn piano! Since my mom recognize I have some music's talents, my mom wants to develop my talent in music as early as possible. Beside she brings me to learn piano, she will also buy a lot of classical music to play at home. She wants me to expose more in music in everyday's life. And due to my mom's effort, I become addicted to music and piano. Music becomes part of my life.

However, as I start going to college, school and work already takes me most of my time. I don't really have much time to concentrate my study in music. I rarely have times to particapte my piano and I don't even have time to learn guitar. I know that my piano's technique has getting worse and worse. I know that I won't be able to become a famous musician if my technique getting worse and worse. Therefore, in order to success in become a famous musician, I am willing to give up my career in accounting. I know that being an accountant can gives me a stable life and earn a desirable income. However, being an accountant is not my dream. I want to become an accountant solely because of the money that I can made from it. Therefore, if my family don't need my financial support, I am willing to give up my career in accounting and shift to major in studying music. I know that being an expert in music requires a lot of time and I am willing to gives up all my time in it. Also I am willing to learn different instruements that might expand my music knowledge.

The 3rdd vision I have for my future is that I can have my own brands for apparel. I love shopping and I love fashion. Beside spending most of my time in school, work and music, I will spend my remaining time in browsing magazines and internets for the upcoming trends in fashion. When my friends go to shopping, they always like to ask for my advices in picking their clothes. They said that I have a very sensitive sense in fashion. Therefore, I hope that I can establish my own brands of women apparel. I love to see people wearing trendy and pretty and I hope that my brand offer woman the opportunity to wear pretty and trendy. In order to sucess in establish my own brands, I am willing to learn fashion from the basic. Start from learning different materials to how to draw a design, and then learn how to transform a design on paper to a real product. I am willing to work in a fashion company to learn even it might be the lowest position in the company.

I will try my best in the future to try to accomplish all 3 visions that I have in the future. As the video "The power of vision" points out, without action, vision merely wastes times. Therefore, I don't want to waste time just to dream about my goal. I actually want them to happen, therefore, I will set this vision as my guide to future!