Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our Egg planning

Our egg planning turn out to be a failure, however, our group are really having fun during the planning progress. When I and Jia first heard the topic about the egg's planning, Jia's first response was like "What?" and my response is "it sounds like physic!" Due to the fact that we have to actually build somethings with limited materials to protect the egg from breaking when we drop it off from approximately 10 feet talls, it likes those kind of physic concepts that I have learned in high school.

After heard the explanation, guidline and materials that we had, we know that our goal is to use limited resources to build somethings protect the egg from breaking when dropping from 10 feets tall. Each one of our group already have their own idea of how to build the design. We all explain our ideas to each other and try to persuade the other group member to accept their own idea. However, after 25 minutes of discussing, we still can't agree on the same method.
And after that 25minutes, we only left with 10 minutes to build the egg. Therefore, we all just play around with the materials and we finally comes up with the idea of surronds the egg by making some triangle shapes using the straws. We tape the egg with those triangle shapes. When the 10 minutes times up, we barely finish taping the egg with those triangle shapes. We don't even have time to evaluate whether or not the egg is 100% protected by the triangle shape.
When our group are waiting to drop the egg, I personally don't have much confidence for our planning due to the fact that we didn't come up with an idea that we all agree. We just randomly try out this idea for our planning, therefore, I didn't have much confidence about our plan. And finally when is our group's turn, we all hope that our plan is gona to work due to the fact that it will help us increase 5 points in our exam. However, our plan turns out to be failure due to the fact that we didn't aim in the bucket. Our egg just hit the bucket and it break. I really want to know whether our egg will actually survive if we aim the bucket right. However, I didn't feel very upset about failure due to the fact that I personally don't have much confidence about it.

I think that our planning turns out to be failure because we didn't follow all of the 5 steps in the planning process. I think our team did a pretty good job of following the first 3 steps in the planning process. We all know our goals and requirements. We understand that we only allow to have 8 straws and few meters of tapes and 1 egg. We come up with different ideas for the planning. However, we didn't chose a tactic plan which is the fourth step of the planning process. We just didn't agree on the same idea and we just randomly chose one idea. Also, we didn't assign the task efficiently to our group member. Therefore, we just barely finish our plan within the time frame. Also, I think that our group skip the 5th step in the planning process which is to implent the plan and evaluate the result. Since we didn't assign the task to each group member efficently, we left with no time to evaluate the outcome for our plan. Therefore, we wouldn't be able to make any corrective action for our plan and revise the plan if necessary.

After this in-class activity, I realize that the success and failure of a plan really depends a lot of your planning process. If you have a really good planning, your plan will mostly likely to success than having a poor planning. Therefore, next time, when we have another chance to do similar class activity like this, our group will sure to have a better planning!

Friday, September 19, 2008

24hrs a Day Is Never Enough for Me/ Can I add an extra hour to my day or even more?

Can I add an extra hour to my day or even more?

I already feel the stress that I have for this semester even though school just started for 2 weeks. I already feel the pressure probably because I have started my major class. I don't want my GPA to get low and therefore I hope to try my best to find times to study. However, how to manage my time really gives me problem.

As I mentioned in my previous blog beforfe, I am a full-time student who work in a clinic as a part-time receptionist. My schedule is very busy every weekday. From Monday to Friday, I have class in the morning. Then after the morning class, I go strictly to work and work until 5:30. And then after work, head back to school again for another classes. It is really hard for me to find some spare times during weekday to study my homework and classwork. Therefore, I usually gives up some of my sleeping time to study homework and classwork. But by doing this, I sleep less and it makes me feel tired both during work and in school; therefore creates another problem for me which is how to make myself concentrate both in work and in school. I have to drink at least a cup of coffee each day in order to make me concentrate on my work, so I won't make mistakes. Also I have to make sure that I am 100% concentrate in the class so that I won't fall asleep and understand the class's lecture! It reallys giving me a difficutly this semester of how to manage my time and schedule. I don't want to give up my work since I really like my job due to the fact that all my co-workers treat me as their family. Therefore, how to maintain both school and work really gives me a hard time.

Beside this problem, I also have difficulty of how to manage my relationship with my friends and family. Due to the fact that school and works already take the majority of my time, it is really hard for me to keep in a good relationship with them. My family and friends always complain that I don't have time for them and think that I don't care about them. But it isn't true, I just really don't have time for them. I hope that my loved one can understand me; and I really hope that I have more time each day. Can I have 100 hours a day?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Is Me! Bonnie!

Hi everyone, my name is Bonnie Lau. I am currently a Junior, major in accounting. Accounting is not my favorite field whether music and fashion is my favoriate field. However, I chose accouting as a major because I know that being an accounting can give me a stable job with desirable salary. Therefore I chose this field without consider whether I will love this subject or not. So far, I wouldn't say that I love this subject but definitly I am gaining interest in it. Since personally I love math and accouting mostly deal with math, I start to gain interest in it. But if I can choose what I truely want to become in future without consider whether I can support my family in the future financially, I will definitely want to become either a musician, a fashion designer or a singer. Becoming either of those are always my dream. I love to become either a musician or a singer because everyone's attentions are on me when I perform. I like people pay attention to me and I love the feeling of become popular. Therefore, I love to become a musician or a singer if I don't need to support my family financially because this two types of job don't guarantee a stable job with desirable salary.

During free time, I love to go shopping and hang around with my friends. I think that it is the best way to release stress and pressure when hang around with friends and also to shop. Whenever I am unhappy, I will just go shopping and buy a lot of stuffs. Buying a lot of things can release my unhappiness by satisfy my desire to own those things that I want to buy. Also, I love to travel during school break. In the upcoming winter, I applied to Shanghai for study aboard. I will also go back to my home country for Christmas and Chinese new year. I haven't go back to my home country for 2 years and I haven't spend my Chinese New Year in there for 9 years since I came to United States; therefore now I am just so excite for this semester to end quickly and go back to my home country to visit my family and friends. Also, I am so excite to go to Shanghai for study. I hope that I can improve my mandarin during this trip and meet more friends. Also, I would like to see how advance Shanghai is nowday. I hope that I can gain a lot from it during this trip.

Beside full-time in school, I am also working as a part time receptionist in a clinic in Chinatown! My job is to assist patient in making appointments, register their appointments with doctors and managing cash receipts. I am very satisfy with this job because of the flexibilty of the work schedule. My manager allows me to choose what day I want to work that will fit my schedule and all my co-workers treat me friendly. Therefore I love my current job. But sometimes I still feel tired for being a full-time student and also work a minimum of 21 hours a week. I hope that I can manage my time better so I can be able to do a good job in school, maintain my current job and also has time to spend with my family and friends. I hope that I can get at least 3 A's in this semester so I can maintain my GPA.